Teller Transactions

Bankers Academy
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Course Description

Seat Time: 3hrs - Desc:

This course will introduce the learner to the many transactions for which tellers assist customers, such as check cashing, withdrawals, deposits, and other purchases and teller duties. The course will also detail the importance of transaction decisions, and describe processes and procedures to be conducted before every type of transaction. After completing this program, the learner will have a solid understanding of the following:

  • All parts of a check.
  • Appropriate methods for conducting withdrawals for customers.
  • Various types of negotiable instruments available for purchase by customers.
      Course Topics

      T1. Customer Transactions: This topic will provide details on the many transactions for which tellers assist customers, such as check cashing, withdrawals, deposits, payments, transfers, and other purchases and teller duties.

      T2. Before You Process a Transaction: This topic will explain the importance of transaction decisions, and describe processes and procedures to be conducted before every type of transaction.

      T3. What Makes a Check Acceptable?: This topic will introduce the learner to all parts of a check, including drawee financial institution, date, and more, and will enable the learner to identify counterfeit, forged, altered, and unacceptable checks.

      T4. Endorsements: This topic will instruct the learner about the best practices for analyzing and identifying types of endorsements in order to determine acceptability.

      T5. Logging In and Out: This topic will detail the process of logging in and out of the teller system when conducting daily transactions for customers.

      T6. Check Cashing: This topic will present to the learner the method in which checks must be cashed when presented by the customer, including document and identity verification.

      T7. Withdrawals: This topic will present to the learner the appropriate methods for conducting withdrawals for customers, including document verification and validation.

      T8. Deposits: This topic will present to the learner the appropriate methods for conducting deposits for customers, including document examination and validation.

      T9. Payments: This topic will present to the learner the appropriate methods for and circumstances of accepting various payments from customers, including document examination and validation.

      T10. Transfers: This topic will present to the learner the appropriate methods for and circumstances of conducting transfers for customers.

      T11. Negotiable Instrument Purchases: This topic will present to the learner the various types of negotiable instruments available for purchase by customers, and the correct process for conducting the purchase.

      T12. Teller Balancing: This topic will detail the appropriate procedures for balancing the teller drawer at the end of the day.

      Teller Transactions - eBSI Export Academy
      Teller Transactions - eBSI Export Academy
      Teller Transactions - eBSI Export Academy
      Teller Transactions - eBSI Export Academy
      Teller Transactions - eBSI Export Academy
      Teller Transactions - eBSI Export Academy

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